It was always nolit's dream of putting up a recording studio. He started setting up a studio in his own living room. A number of bands came to record their demos despite the crude set up in his own home. Using his trusty Fostex 4-track recorder, nolit was able to record a number of demos by different bands. Eventually, he was able to converted his living room into a soundproofed recording studio - the Nolit Studio. After a year of operation, he joined a partnership to create the Purple Music Studio. This was however shortlived as nolit has set priorities with his band. However he vowed to go back to his love in record engineering. Right now, he still has some of his recodring equiptments with him. And once in a while arranges some orginal compositions using his computer and other msuical instruments. It's the digital age, anyway.
Click on this link to view the whole story behind the Nolit's Studio.