Nolit is a real artist. He has a college degree in Fine Arts which he took at Philippine Women's University Intitute of Fine Arts & Design (PWU-IFAD). He started his art at a young age in his elementary school days. Nolit would draw anything on his notebooks. He would create comic strips where his classmates enjoy reading. These are not simple drawings copied from elsewhere. He would create original drawings, comics strips with storylines which he also created. We are showing you the comics at the comics page of this site. He also concived the Phoney Talks, an imaginary world of music circle complete with band albums, profiles, news and gossips from a fictional era. It is presented like a music magazine. We have documented each of the entries which is featured in the Phoney Talks page of this site. Other products of nolits creative mind in his younger years are the "Nolit Shoes", a showcase of shoe designs. Also an imaginary country, complete with maps of the islands and its history. Nolit always finds ways to put his interests into artform.
Right after high school, nolit took a summer painting workshop in UP Tacloban under the tutulage of well-known artist Romeo Flores. And then after mounted his first group exhibit in Tacloban City Capitol Hall Lobby. His entry to this exhibition was the painting called "Wood", an oil pastel on felt paper. The exhibit gained critical acclaim.
During his college days, being at PWU-IFAD is being with the batch who has sweep all the grand prizes of national art competitions. Nolit also had his fair share of recognition, gathering a lot of academic awards and exhibitted his works several times in campus. He also won a national award as finalist in the 1st Refrom Pen & Ink Drawing Competition. Later on, Nolit join a group of visual artists from different colleges and university to form Lupon ng Nagkakaisang Artista or LVNA. With this group, he has exhibitted in several schools and university, major galleries including the main gallery at the National Museum. Most of the works of this group are collective efforts, creating large scale murals exhibitted on the streets - on stages of concerts and major rallies and on street walls. A lot of their murals are also exhibitted in various offices of non-government organizations. Among these works are the stage design of earthday concerts at Quezon Memorial Circle in the early 90s, Human Rights Concert at Folk Arts Theater and Philippine Revolution Centinial concert at UP's Sunken Garden. The group also had several campus tour exhibits showcasing their individual artworks held in all the major schools and university around Metro Manila.
All thorughout college, Nolit has been constantly working as cartoonist, illustrator and lay out artist of school papers from Divine Word University in Tacloban city's DWU Bulletin, to the Philwomanian, PWU's college paper and IFAD school paper; Malvar. Nolit's artworks would often be imported to other school papers including The Torch of Philippine Normal University, the Quezonian of MLQU, the Catalyst of PUP, the Josephine Journal of St. Joseph's College and a lot of organizational publications including the Guilder of the College Editors' Guild of the Philippines. His illustrations would also often be featured in political campaign posters, print ads on national newspapers and various pamphlets.
After college, nolit worked as a visual artist in the Institute for Occcupational Health and Safety Development (IOHSAD). He has published his artworks in training materials and reference books of the institute. With the rise in demand for nolit's illustrations and artworks, he resigned from the institute and ventured into going freelance. He developed the NOLIT's STUDIO, accepting not only graphic arts in paper and print but technical graphic arts such as streamers, murals, shirt silkscreen, and other large format artworks. Nolit gathered all his friends in LVNA to help him in his business and rented an apartment as a place to work. His works has been visible in several published books, newsletters, leaflets, posters, major daily newspapers, etc. Nolit's work can also be seen in grade school textbooks on math, science and social studies as he has worked on several textbooks published by Trinitas Publishing.
As times goes by, the development of computers paved the way for nolit to join in the bandwagon of digital arts. Nolit found home in the internet - creating graphics and designing webpages. He then created the Whitewing's Web Design Studio and later on the nolithosting and the network portal -
Nolit did not limit his art on visuals. In college he had some of his literary works printed on the school paper. Upon graduating from college he would later work as a features writer for Filipino Magazin, a weekly commercial magazine with national distribution. He writes on the arts and culture. He stayed with Filipino Magazin for over a year until the magazin ceased due to financial issues. Nolit continues to write essays, stories and his opinions on his facebook wall for which it is being collected and posted on his blog on this site.
Aside from all these art, Nolit also writes music. He has numerous musical compositions which he compiles on what he calls Demotep which has already reached five volumes (1991-1995). He has a compilation of what he calls best works in an album called "Early Reflections. Late Night Decisions" which was completed in 2002. Nolit also composes songs for artists and projects including the Station ID of People's Television 4 (PTV4) for 2018 for which he was nominated for Best Station ID for television by the Catholic Mass Media Awards in 2019.